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× Flexify.2.987 for Adobe Photoshop | Free Download $3.49 $3.49

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Delivery & Return

Do you deliver on public holidays?

No, we are unavailable for support on public holidays as our team does not operate on those days. However, we will do our best to respond to any inquiries as soon as possible on the following business day.

Is next-day delivery available on all orders?

No, next-day delivery does not apply to digital services as they are delivered electronically. The delivery time for digital services may vary depending on the specific service and any customization required. We will provide an estimated delivery date at the time of purchase, and we will do our best to deliver the service as quickly as possible.

Can I cancel or refund a these service after purchase?

Due to the nature of digital services, we do not offer refunds or cancellations on purchases unless there is a defect or issue with the service that we cannot resolve. Please make sure to review the service description and any related information before making a purchase.